League of American Orchestras

Where to Start in Building Audiences: Unpacking the Many Resources from The Wallace Foundation

The Wallace Foundation is leading the sector with its Building Audiences for Sustainability Initiative.  As a result, The Foundation has, in coordination with major U.S. arts institutions, produced a body of important research and knowledge around building audiences. This webinar, hosted by the League of American Orchestras, is aimed at orienting performing arts professionals to the many studies, articles, webinars, and other resources from The Wallace Foundation. With information that can be accessed for free, participants at the webinar will learn which resources may be best suited for discussion in their own organizations and will gain insight into the important work that other organizations have done, and the lessons they’ve learned on building audiences..

Featured speakers in this webinar include:
• Krista Bradley, Director of Programs and Resources, Association of Performing Arts Professionals
• John-Morgan Bush, Director of Learning and Leadership Programs, League of American Orchestras
• Nichole L. Knight, Director of Operations, Chamber Music America
• Bob Sandla, Symphony Magazine Editor in Chief, League of American Orchestras
• Johanna Tschebull, Communications Specialist, Dance USA

This webinar is made possible by The Wallace Foundation. The League is pleased to be working in partnership with The Foundation to help share ideas and practical solutions to problems in building audiences for the arts.


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League of American Orchestras